Have you ever met one of those people that just seem to be lucky? You know, the ones that seem to lead a charmed life, they seem to have it all - happiness, abundance, a good life?
I have a friend named Trish who appears to most to be very lucky. Not only does she have a good life, but just about every time she goes anywhere with slot machines, she hits a jackpot. I been with her several times when this has happened and while on the surface it may appear as if she's just a lucky girl, there's more going on with Trish than just luck. In fact, I have seen her in action - and what I know about Trish is what I believe about the world - we all are responsible for making our own luck.
Trish has a really good thing going with this whole jackpot thing. First of all, it's important to know that she expects to win. She approaches a slot machine and thinks "C'mon, baby. Let's hit a big one," not "Uh oh. I hope I don't lose this money." And while she doesn't hit a big one every time, she does often enough to have activated a belief in her that is unshakeable - she is going to win. She doesn't let a temporary loss get her down. No way, my friend. She just keeps on keeping on until she hits that jackpot - never veering from her vibrational set point of optimism about her chances of winning.
There's a lot to be learned from my friend Trish. So I've created a set of strategies based on what I know is possible for those who wish to make their own luck. It takes some work, diligence and practice. But after a while you'll get yourself into a totally good groove with making your own luck. How do I know? Because I've done it myself. I've heard "Molly has the magic touch. She's so lucky!" from a number of people recently. But it's not good luck that I have; it's good vibes.
I've learned how to manage my energy and consistently send out good vibes. Because the vibrational signal you're sending out into the Universe is what's responsible for what you are experiencing. By now I'm sure you've heard of the Universal Law of Attraction - like attracts like. Makes sense. But the reason that most people struggle to effectively utilize it is because they don't understand the Law of Vibration. This is another Universal Law that explains how everything is energy - including us - and our energy - or vibration or frequency - is responsible for what we're attracting. We're like human radios sending out and receiving signals all of the time.
So, if you're sending out good vibes into the Universe, you'll attract good stuff. So to make your own "luck" you need to learn to work with your own human vibration, and consistently send out a "good" signal. And while all of this might sound very scientific and confusing, it's not. But it does take practice and an understanding of a few core principles.
Here's how to fine-tune your Human Frequency...
Understand how the Universal Laws work. I've give you a "101" definition of both the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration. But to really understand them more, I suggest you learn from the best teacher I know of, Abraham-Hicks. Responsible for a multitude of best sellers, this is the definitive source on these topics - and the teacher of many famous students who appeared in such movies as "The Secret." I don't love their books, but I love their teachings through their CDs and tapes. But I have many friends who gobble up their writings, so it might be your cup of tea. Check them out on the net at Abraham-Hicks.com.
Believe that you deserve it. In my experience, the majority of people have unresolved issues of feeling "unworthy." And this alone wreaks havoc on their ability to create a happy, fulfilling, abundant life. This impacts your frequency in a hugely negative way. Left un-healed, it will work against you every day of your life. You'll sabotage and limit yourself in more ways than you can count. This undermines every single goal that you work on. If you don't believe you deserve it - you will not achieve it. So you need to find a way of letting this old pattern go. And the best way I know of is by energetically neutralizing it by using Meridian Tapping. This is an easy to learn and extremely powerful energy healing tool that I personally have used for years. It is the single most powerful resource I have at my disposal, and I love teaching it to people so they can easily drop the limiting beliefs that consistently undermine their success.
Focus on feeling good. Many people spend their days feeling unfulfilled at their jobs, or unsatisfied in their home lives and find it hard to focus on the good in their lives. If you're one of those people, I urge you to try to make peace with where you are - and focus on what you're grateful for in your life. Keeping a daily gratitude journey can help you turn around your patterns of thinking and feeling. It is your absolute birthright to have a happy, good life. And you can do that no matter what is going on around you. There are always good things to focus on. Have you ever heard the story of the "Whistling Trashman?" I heard about him years ago and have never forgotten his story. This trashman was known for his beautiful whistling ability, his warm greetings and friendly smile. People in his area thought of him as the happiest person they knew. They loved trash day when they had an opportunity to interact with this wonderful person. This man was happier, despite what might seem to some as a dreadful job, because he chose to be happy. We can all choose our attitude and outlook. It's ours to choose! So focus yourself on things that are positive and uplifting. This impacts your frequency in incredible ways!
You really can make your own luck in life if you choose to. You really do have the power to create a life that you love. So I hope that you'll take these tips and start to apply them in your life. And pretty soon your friends will be talking about how "lucky" you are.
Molly A. Luffy, MBA an Intuitive Spiritual and Business Advisor for Conscious Women blends practical, spiritual and energy healing resulting in powerful transformations. To download her free Star-Power Success Kit, visit http://www.mollyluffy.com/
Source: http://www.submityourarticle.com/
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